
AngularJS is a completely structural Framework for all dynamic web Application Development.

In AngularJS a basic HTML Language for template design has considered and the syntax to the application remains as usual as HTML.

AngularJS is a purely a client-side Application. It handles all DOM and AJAX glue code that written by user.

In Angular JS a directives are extended by HTML attributes such as with prefix ng-.

This ng-app directive initializes an AngulatJS application.

This ng-model directive binds all the HTML values of a control as input, select, textarea..


This directive initializes an AngularJS Application whereas ng-init initializes application data. And ng-model binds HTML controls.

Data Binding

In AngularJS Data binding take place as it binds Angular expressions with AngularJS data. {{myname}}

Example: ng-model="myname"

Repeat HTML Elements

To repeat an HTML Element in AngularJS ng-repeat directive is used over HTML.


< li > ng-repeat="y in lines" < li />

Directives such as in Angular Js

In order to add a particular image when required the src attribute is used.

ng-src in AngularJS Overrides th previous src attribute of an img element.

Here in AngularJS user has to use ng-src instead of an src attribute if user performs on AngularJS.

The attribute ng-src exactly displays the perfect image in AngularJS


< div ng-init="var1 = 'image.jpg'" >
< h1 >
This Angular Js Scripting
< /h1 >
< img ng-src="{{var1}}">
< /div >

In angular JS Binding is done as shown here


< div ng-app="" ng-init="no of coins;price=100" >
List of Coins:
< input type="number" ng-model="quantity" >
< input type="number" ng-model="price" >
Total in ASD: < {{quantity * price }} >
< /div >